Sunday, October 28, 2018

Portugal, The Man

Friday was an interesting day.
Thursday night I worked overnight, getting the store ready for the new iPhone XR.
I got off work a bit early, in the middle of the night still, and then had to be up early to get a neck injection.
I've been having neck pain for about 5 years now and, after years of different doctors and treatments, am finally getting some answers.
Slightly herniated cervical disc causing major pain in my neck, shoulders, and traps...yikes!
Anyway, these neck injections are no joke and NOT fun.
But I went home, took a nap, and rallied for Portugal, The Man with my girl, Greta!

I will be honest, I only knew 2 or 3 of their songs, but I got free tickets and they are from Alaska, so it was really cool to see them come back to their home state and play.
They were super trippy and pretty fun.

Alaska has been getting some bigger names up here lately, so it's been cool to see more fun concerts!
Next up on my concert dream list is Celine Dion!
Still trying to talk the boyfriend into it.
I might have to pull a How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days on him...

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