Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 21

A picture of something I wish I could forget -

I don't really want to forget anything.
I've made mistakes, but I learned from them also.
Most of the things I regret, I hardly ever think about them anymore.
And I've made my apologies and moved on.
I feel that having gone through certain experiences will enable me to help others who go through similar situations {spoken like a true Psychology major.}
So, in lieu of a picture of something I want to forget, I'll post a picture of something I never want to forget!

Seeing Wicked at the Pantages Theater in LA!
I've been to California many times {my parents are from there and still have family there}, but this was the first time I saw a show there!
I'm a HUGE theater/musical love so this was amazing!


Seeing Beauty and the Beast on Broadway in NYC!
B&B is my favorite Disney movie so I was ecstatic to see it on Broadway my senior year of high school!

I'm hoping to see Rent soon too!  And probably Wicked again {but this time on Broadway!}

Do you love musicals?
Have you seen any on Broadway?


  1. OMGOSH! I just did a post about seeing Beauty and the Beast a little while back when it came to our town. I've never seen a show in NY though.
    I'm a musical nut seriously! I own a lot of dvds of my favorites and just watch them to listen to the music!
